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その参加者たちはデモ活動の間に膨大な数の『作品』を残した。 その『作品』は都市での生活空間に存在するありとあらゆるものを使い構成された路上の障害物である。街の動脈である道路を遮断し敵対する者を強く拒みながら、目抜き通りから裏路地、そして大学内まで至る所に設置された。それはただ経済活動の停止や武装警察の進行を防ぐためだけでなく、過剰に膨張した資本主義と暴走する権力に抑圧された自分たちの街『香港』を再構築する。都市空間を自分たちの手に取り戻し、解放することへ繋げる新たな試みにも見えた。

こちらは2020年11月に発売した「BLOCK CITY」の増補版となります。


児玉浩宜 / Hironori Kodama
1983年兵庫県生まれ。テレビ朝日報道番組ディレクター、のちにNHK日本放送協会に入 局。報道カメラマンそしてニュース番組やドキュメンタリーを制作。退局後、フリーランス カメラマンとして活動。2019年、香港デモ発生時から10ヶ月間渡航を繰り返し、現地で撮 影。2020年、香港デモ写真集「NEW CITY」を出版。


"Take a good shot, this is our work!" The young man who was making the barricade shouted at me briefly as he prepared to escape. The Hong Kong demonstration started in 2019. The participants left a huge number of "works", which were road obstacles made up of everything that exists in the city life. It was installed everywhere from the main streets to the back alleys and into the campus of the university, blocking the arteries of the city and stopping the enemies. All obstacles were quickly and forcibly removed by the Hong Kong Police and others, but the protesters continued to make them over and over again. It seemed to be a new attempt to regain and release the city with their own hands not only to stop the economic activity and to prevent the invasion of armed police, but also to reconstruct their city "Hong Kong", which has been high-pressured by over-expanded capitalism and the political power. I was fascinated by the "works of unknown artists" that suddenly appeared on the street, and above all, the strong resistance spirit in them. So I was absorbed in filming them. In order for the unknown artists who continued to resist, to leave a proof that they certainly existed there.

"BLOCK CITY"Augmented edition

21cmx26cm/94pages/full color/soft cover/limited to 500 copies

Hironori Kodama / Photographer
Born in Hyogo prefecture, Japan in 1983.
News program director, later joined NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation. Produces news programs and documentaries. After leaving the NHK, working as a freelance photographer.
In 2019, shooting the for 10 months from the begin of the Hong Kong demonstration.Published a Hong Kong protest photo book "NEW CITY" in 2020.



21cmx26cm/94pages/full color/soft cover/Augmented edition
limited to 500 copies

2020年,出版了香港示威照片集“ NEW CITY”。

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